
Mastering the Get-MGUser Cmdlet in Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Daniyal jadoon

Updated on:


Microsoft Graph PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing Microsoft 365 and other cloud services. One of its most useful cmdlets is Get-MGUser, which allows administrators to retrieve user information from Azure Active Directory. This cmdlet is essential for managing user accounts, permissions, and other properties in a Microsoft 365 environment. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about Get-MGUser, from basic usage to advanced filtering and scripting techniques.

Understanding the Get-MGUser Cmdlet

What is Get-MGUser?

Get-MGUser is a cmdlet in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module that retrieves user objects from the Azure Active Directory. This cmdlet can return detailed information about user accounts, including their properties, roles, and permissions.

Key Features of Get-MGUser

  • User Accounts: Retrieve information about user accounts in Azure Active Directory.
  • Properties: Access specific properties of user objects, such as display name, email, and job title.
  • Filtering: Use parameters to filter results based on specific criteria.
  • Exporting: Export user information to CSV files for further analysis.
  • Permissions: Manage permissions and roles of users within the organization.

Why Use Get-MGUser?

Using Get-MGUser, administrators can efficiently manage and monitor user accounts in their organization. This cmdlet provides a way to automate user account management, ensuring consistency and accuracy in user data retrieval and updates.

Getting Started with Get-MGUser

Installing Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Before using Get-MGUser, you need to install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. You can do this by running the following command in PowerShell:

 Powershell  Code                                                                                                                                                                    
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser       

Connecting to Microsoft Graph

To use Get-MGUser, you must first connect to Microsoft Graph. Use the Connect-MgGraph cmdlet with the necessary scopes to establish a connection:

Powershell  Code
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes “User.Read.All”

Basic Usage of Get-MGUser

The simplest way to use Get-MGUser is to retrieve all users in your organization. The following command lists all user accounts in Azure Active Directory:

Powershell  Code

Viewing User Properties

You can view specific properties of user objects by specifying them in the Get-MGUser cmdlet. For example, to display the display name and email of all users, use the following command:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser | Select-Object DisplayName, Mail

Advanced Filtering with Get-MGUser

Using the -Filter Parameter

The -Filter parameter allows you to filter results based on specific criteria. This is useful for narrowing down the list of users to those that meet certain conditions. For example, to find users with a specific job title, use the following command:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser -Filter “jobTitle eq ‘Manager'”

Combining Filters

You can combine multiple filters using logical operators to refine your search further. For example, to find users who are managers and located in a specific city, use the following command:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser -Filter “jobTitle eq ‘Manager’ and city eq ‘Seattle'”

Filtering by Sign-In Activity

To filter users based on their sign-in activity, use the -Filter parameter with the appropriate property. For example, to find users who have not signed in for the past 30 days, use:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser -Filter “signInActivity/lastSignInDateTime lt 2024-06-05”

Filtering Licensed and Unlicensed Users

To differentiate between licensed and unlicensed users, you can use the assigned licenses property. For example, to find all unlicensed users, use the following command:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser -Filter “assignedLicenses eq null”

Exporting User Data

Exporting to CSV

Exporting user data to a CSV file is useful for reporting and analysis. You can use the Export-Csv cmdlet to achieve this. For example, to export user display names and emails to a CSV file, use:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser | Select-Object DisplayName, Mail | Export-Csv -Path “C:\Users\export.csv” -NoTypeInformation

Exporting Specific Properties

You can export specific properties of users by selecting them before exporting. For example, to export display names, job titles, and emails, use:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser | Select-Object DisplayName, JobTitle, Mail | Export-Csv -Path “C:\Users\export.csv” -NoTypeInformation

Managing User Accounts with Get-MGUser

Viewing a Single User

To view information about a single user, use the -UserId parameter with the user’s ID or principal name. For example, to view a user by their principal name, use:

Powershell  Code
Get-MgUser -UserId “”

Updating User Properties

To update user properties, use the Set-MgUser cmdlet. For example, to update a user’s job title, use:

Powershell  Code
Set-MgUser -UserId “” -JobTitle “Senior Manager”

Deleting a User

To delete a user, use the Remove-MgUser cmdlet. For example, to delete a user by their principal name, use:

Powershell  Code
Remove-MgUser -UserId “”

Managing User Roles and Permissions

You can manage user roles and permissions using Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets. For example, to assign a role to a user, use:

Powershell  Code
Add-MgUserRole -UserId “” -RoleDefinitionId “role-id”

Advanced Scripting with Get-MGUser

PowerShell Scripts for User Management

You can automate user management tasks by creating PowerShell scripts that use Get-MGUser and other cmdlets. For example, the following script retrieves all users and updates their job titles based on certain criteria:

Powershell  Code
$users = Get-MgUser -Filter “department eq ‘Sales'”
foreach ($user in $users) { Set-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -JobTitle “Sales Executive” }

Scheduling Scripts

You can schedule PowerShell scripts to run at specific times using Task Scheduler. This is useful for automating routine tasks such as updating user properties or exporting user data.

Error Handling in Scripts

Implement error handling in your scripts to manage potential issues during execution. Use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions and ensure your script runs smoothly:

Powershell  Code
try { $users = Get-MgUser -Filter “department eq ‘Sales'”    
foreach ($user in $users) {Set-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -JobTitle “Sales Executive”} }
catch { Write-Error “An error occurred: $_” }

Best Practices for Using Get-MGUser

Use Filters Wisely

Filters help narrow down your search results and improve performance. Use them to retrieve only the data you need.

Limit Data Retrieval

Avoid retrieving more data than necessary. Use parameters and filters to limit the amount of data returned by the Get-MGUser cmdlet.

Secure Your Scripts

Ensure your scripts are secure by using proper authentication methods and handling sensitive information appropriately. Avoid hardcoding credentials in your scripts.

Regularly Update Scripts

Keep your scripts up to date with the latest cmdlets and parameters. Regular updates ensure compatibility and take advantage of new features.

Test Scripts Thoroughly

Before deploying scripts in a production environment, test them thoroughly in a development environment. This helps identify and fix issues before they impact your organization.


In summary, Get-MGUser cmdlet in Microsoft Graph PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing user accounts and retrieving user information from Azure Active Directory. By understanding its features and capabilities, you can effectively manage user properties, filter results, and automate user management tasks. This comprehensive guide provides the knowledge and examples needed to master Get-MGUser and optimize your Microsoft 365 environment.

Whether you are a seasoned administrator or just getting started with Microsoft Graph PowerShell, this guide offers valuable insights and practical examples to enhance your skills and streamline user management processes. By following best practices and leveraging advanced scripting techniques, you can maximize the potential of Get-MGUser and ensure efficient and secure management of user accounts in your organization.